Radon is the #1 cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, according to EPA estimates.
Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year. (2,900 never smoked)
Testing is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon.

A Tale of Caution and Action
"The internet is packed with stories of unsuspecting families discovering that they have been living with high radon levels. However, one story of perseverance and courage has stood out from the masses. Kerri Robbins, a resident of Lehi, Utah, lived and worked in her house with a radon level of 31.3 pCi/L. This radon level is equivalent to smoking three packs of cigarettes a day. Kerri lived unaware of the radioactive gas in her home for many years, developing lung cancer, which metastasized, spreading from her lungs to her brain. Yet, instead of accepting defeat, Kerri took this opportunity to inform others of radon and save them from the heartache that she still faces today. She urges both homeowners and renters to purchase a testing kit and to educate themselves on the impacts of radon.
Since Kerri’s first call to action, over 11,000 Utah residents have ordered radon testing kits. One homeowner who had heard Kerri’s story, Heidi Parker, tested for radon and discovered a radon level of 19.7 pCi/L, the equivalent of smoking around 40 cigarettes a day. Following testing, Heidi installed a radon mitigation system, and she credits Kerri for helping reduce the cancer risk for not only herself, but her children and 2-year-old grandson."
View the full story on the EPA's website: epa.gov/perspectives/keeping-radon-your-radar
Idaho Department of Health & Welfare Informational Video on Radon
Radon is a colorless and odorless radioactive gas. This gas comes from "the natural decay of uranuim that is found in nearly all soils." This gas is able to make its way into any home "through cracks and other holes in the foundation. Your home traps radon inside where it can build up."
"EPA already has a wealth of scientific data on the relationship between radon exposure and the development of lung cancer."
Short Term Testing
The quickest way to test is with short-term tests. Short-term tests remain in your home for two days to 90 days, depending on the device. “
Testing performed during a real estate transaction is for 48 hours. The radon test results will be sent to the client after the equipment is picked up
Long Term Testing
"Long-term tests remain in your home for more than 90 days"
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